17 MEKOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS 249 £//(f)\ 1g(-l) dz \sin 27 ^ (z — n-nf where the series on the right-hand side is normally convergent in any compact subset of C which does not contain any of the points mr (n integer). (Consider the integral 2m J sin x (x — z)2 Vn where yn is the circuit /->(« + %)Trelt for —Tr^t^TT. Observe that for every e > 0, there is a number c(e) > 0 such that the relations \z — mr\ ^ e for every integer n e Z imply |sin z 5* c(e)el>J), which is analytic in a neighborhood of H> — 0 in C, is not identically 0. Then there exist an integer r > 0, r functions /z/z) analytic in a neighborhood of 0 in C77"1, and a function ^(z, w) analytic in a neighborhood B <= A, of 0 in Cp and ^ 0 in that neighborhood, such that /(z, w) = (>/ + hi(z)Yf~l + • • • H- hr(z))g(z, w) in a neighborhood of 0 in Cp (the "Weierstrass preparation theorem"). (If /(O, w) has a zero of order r at w = 0, use (9.17.4) to prove that there is a number e > 0 and a neighborhood V of 0 in Cp~ * such that for any z e V, the function w> ->/(z, w) has exactly r zeros in the disc |w| < e and no zero on the circle |w| = fi. Let y be the circuit t-*eelt for — TT^ / ^ TT; using the theorem of residues, show that there are s not a pole